(Since I've been sleeping since Sunday, I'll pretend today's Monday.) It seems like there were two main parts to the weekend. First and foremost, spending time with the girls is definitely the only way to recharge. Despite the distance between the 5 of us and our busy work schedules, we all manage to make time for each other, even if we haven't seen each other in months. As mentioned in my previous post, Sisca's bday celebration was this past weekend and absolutly nothing was going to get in the way of our quality time with each other. Lisa's been in Boston finishing up med school so it was Sis, Debbers, Francey, and moi!
Friday was chill night for the most of us, but I ended up heading to the south bay after work for a friend's birthday at Gordon Biersch, with some downtown SJ barhopping afterwards. It ended up becoming what seemed like a Cal Poly reunion everywhere we went(Happy Bday Tim!). It was definitely a good idea that I was DD coz I needed to save the energy for the remaining weekend's festivities.
Saturday starts with the second interesting part of the weekend. The city is full of interesting characters, and for most people, it's the place to be seen/met especially if you're single. In our case, however, we were out to have fun and dance up a storm - no need for 'boys' to complicate our quality time together. In my opinion, there's a time and place for meeting good people and clubs don't usually end up being at the top of my list. Saturday night was an exception to my rule, though. We met a couple of guys that genuinely wanted to hang out and dance - none of the stupid pick up lines or sly attempts to woo themselves into your pants.
Sunday continued with a daytime party. I call one of the guys from the night before to come out and play, even though I doubt they can make it. To my surprise, the new buddies show up and again, it's a happy fun day. We even bump into lots of other friends from the past, including some of my high school friends. Lots of pictures and lots of good times. It was a perfect way to end a really fun weekend.