A friend of mine was IMing with me the other day, and I made a note to myself to blog about something he was talking to me about... let me backtrack to the context of the conversation.
We were talking about clubbing and bar hopping..something like that... about how guys can look at girls and think to themselves...
"She's out of my league..." Is there such a thing? It's a certain pedestal you put a girl you don't even know on, hindering you from even approaching the girl to ask her to dance or even say hello, that he was talking about. ( I know I should have just cut and paste the IM convo but damn, I didn't think about it til later on!) He also went on to say that a girl can look at a guy and already know whether she'll give him a second to even say anything, let alone a glance. In his mind, he psyches himself out to see a girl he thinks is attractive because right away he's thinking, will she give me a second or is she completely out of my league? Do I even get a smile?
So here's my thoughts for guys...
I don't refer to the barrier between two people meeting each other as a certain 'league'. To me, I don't judge right off the bat and I don't categorize a guy
right away. The score is even up until there's some sort of initial greeting - it could be a glance, a smile, a wink, even a hello. The score to me could change,however, depending on how that initial greeting was delivered. When you're in a club/bar/social setting where alcohol is usually involved and you see a girl you're attracted to, don't bust out your stupid lines. Don't refer to her as "hey baby" and don't give her some total slimeball look (you know what i'm talking about...the look that you're totally undressing her in your mind in those few seconds). Right off the bat, she definitely will judge and she will automatically be out of your league. Smile as if you're just being nice. You see people every day in the street, in the hallway at work, at a store, etc. Usually, you just smile, right? You're just being a nice person. Think of it that way.
Also, there's a time and place for everything. If you're in a club and you're purely out there to be superficially attracted to someone, then by all means, don't listen to what I'm saying. Be as judgemental as you'd like. That's a game in itself that applies to both sexes. But, in the situation that you actually do want to meet some genuinely sincere person, think of the place you're going to. It's a club/bar. People have alcohol in their systems and you have no clue about a person u meet there. The only reason you met this person was because he/she spotted you across the room, and thought you were attractive.
So what? As I always say, "Looks only last for so long.." (My rebuttal: "Where's the substance?? Can you have a normal, intellectual conversation with me, without being intimidated by me? Feed my brain!! " *thinking* Although a tall, cute guy with a nice smile is some damn cool gravy to top it off! ha ha)
There is no league, and if there even was anything close to it, it's all your mindset. A guy doesn't have to be out of my league, but he can definitely intimidate me and put me in a state of awe by his intelligence and every day manner just by a few minutes of talking to him. (Also, u can ask yourself, "I wonder if he's even telling me the truth", but that's another story to blog about)
Number one example... my bf. Not out of my league, but his intelligence, drive and inspiring character intimidates the shet outta me.